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OK, so I came accross this article at Lifehacker about what is now unofficially dubbed a Seinfeld Calendar. To spare you some time, it boils down to this: in order to help yourself in the daily grind (in Jerry Seinfeld’s case: writing every day) you get yourself a calendar (complete year overview) on which you cross out (with a fat red marker) every day you actually do what you’re supposed to be doing. The trick then is to make sure to not break the chain of crosses.

It’s a nifty psychological trick, and I immediately started looking around The Internets for calendars. Of course I couldn’t find any to my satisfaction. So I created one myself, A4-sized, 1 page, 1 year per page.


I made 2 versions: one for non-leap years, and one for leap years (which have a day extra in February).

I made the type light-grey, to let the red marker come out more, but also to spare you some toner/ink (see, there’s an Al Gore in all of us).

Downloadable files (right click and save-as):


    • Adam Keck
    • Posted 2007/07/27 at 02:33
    • Permalink

    Since you have designed an elegant solution for presenting a chain calendar, and since the chain calendar did not originate with Seinfeld, I think you should name it the Vertonghen calendar (or something like that). Why give away credit for a nice design?


  1. My freind great, I like this allot, now if there was a way to make it somethng you could use on your computer if you wanted (version 1) and then later to make it a multi use multi color type calander for instance multiple goals multiple colors or different colored options as in one big mark but multiple calanders and not just colors all clustered in one day (version 2)
    Just a thought.
    Please let me know if you do this my e-mail is

  2. Thanks, I’ve been looking for one of these after reading about this suggestion.

  3. Thank you so much for doing this, and then providing it for free! Ever since I read this article on lifehacker I’ve been thinking about getting something like this. But a standard calender wouldn’t really cut it. Anyway, thank you thank you. Can’t thank you enough.

  4. Great idea, I forwarded this page to everyone in my address book. I had never heard of it before but it makes a lot of sense when you’re trying to reach those goals! Thanks!

  5. Awesome calendar!
    I am using it now and it is really great. Thanks!

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  10. Here is a eco-friendly version done in Google Spreadsheets 😉 –

5 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. […] got a nice empty box to write your goal in). PDFpad works, too. You might want to check Chris and Ben’s versions of it as […]

  2. […] On The Couch published a simple print-handly PDF of the calendar. […]

  3. […] Seinfeld Creativity Calendar […]

  4. […] Google search is for this page, where the author has generated two pdf versions of this calendar for easy printing. « […]

  5. […] all different chain calendars on one page?) so I think I’ll just make up paper page printouts like this for each goal and tape them to the relevant places (desk, bathroom wall).  In fact, looking at […]

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